November 27, 2006

One Year and Change

Your friendly neighborhood doctoral student here, friends.

I know it's been a little while since I last posted. Here's the truth of it: I realized exactly one week ago that one of my course projects was due a week earlier than I thought. Up until last Monday I believed that my end-of-term project was due NEXT Monday, but when I checked the course syllabus I found out it is actually due TODAY. My 14 days to work was instantly cut in half (including the three days planned away for Thanksgiving). 14 days became 4.

So, with that load in front of me blogging took a backseat to getting my work done. Never before have I had so much to do in such a short amount of time. The definition of 'stressful situation'. It was only yesterday afternoon I finally felt I had a handle on all three of my end-of-semester projects. I think the semester will end smoothly, I finally feel in control.

Thanksgiving was great this year. My family's and Gina's all got together in Millersburg at Gina's parents' new place on Lake Buckhorn. Good food, good company, lots of things for which to be thankful. That includes the fact that this weekend marked one year since I met Gina. So, one year on, things are still fabulous. Fun, special, novel, interesting, smart, deep, loving, complicated, worderful-all the things that make a relationship so great a thing.


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