February 13, 2006

A little academic reality?

How much of the academy is like this:

Yesterday I got an e-mail inviting people in the department to submit to the National Communication Association conference 2006. The conference is this coming fall. The e-mail asked people to submit if they had a research piece about teaching and being an international student teaching in America. I replied and asked if I could submit an abstract to their pannel as an American who taught in Northern Ireland. I got no reply.

Today I ran into the sender of the e-mail, Sandy. I asked her if it would be ok if I joined their pannel. She said it would be fine and that I could just e-mail her the abstract tonight. The problem comes in that I don't actually HAVE any research on being an American teaching in Northern Ireland.

The thing I'm wondering is: Is it common for pannels to be put together the night before the deadline (Feb. 14)? And, on top of that, how many abstracts are being submitted for papers that don't even exist (like mine)?

Just to recap: The most important academic conference is next fall. The deadline to submit research for presentation at this conference is tomorrow. Tonight, I'm going to submit an abstract for a paper that does not yet exist. So, is this the way academia really works?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Focus on the important things. Ollies opened yesterday. I had a turtle sundae in your honor.

Susan NIU

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey IB-

How is life in Ohio goin? Haven't heard from you in a while so I thought I'd drop a line. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have a blog of my own!

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just popping in to say hi---I haven't checked your blog out in awhile......and I see that I didn't have that much to catch up on! ;)

hope things are going well! Matt says hi!

love ya like a gecko!
your favorite redhead (at least I should be!), Erin

3:44 PM  

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