January 09, 2006

back again...

Today was the first day of classes at Anonymous University. Back to the grindstone (that in no way describes what actually goes on in the hallowed halls of academia).

Grindstone, or no, I'm back to classes, and meetings, and students, and professors, and e-mails, and schedules, and assignments, and syllabi, and all the bits and bobs and nooks and crannies that go along with it all. I'm looking forward to it just fine, though.

My classroom, the one I teach in was changed today. It's amazing. I called the office not more than 48 hours ago and there was no word either way on my room change, and I was all set to be in the Fine Arts Building, when today at 11:00 I got an e-mail update that I get a nice room in the Ed. building, more central in campus, better facilities for pc connections (as opposed to mac).

My stats course was today and I need to buy some books for that (arg). It seems like a really fun class with lots of other COMS superhero M.A. and Doc. students in it. The prof. (from all reports) is supposed to be the best around and he certainly seems it. I'm looking forward to the rest of class with him this semester. I can only hope tomorrow's meetings (one w/ Bradshaw and one with IPC faculty) and my class in sociology come out as well.

Here's hoping.

I got to spend a nice lazy night watching a movie with Gina, chai and a Ben Affleck movie (one with more explosions than kisses). It was a fine conclusion to my first day back as combination doctoral student/masked avenger of justice/boyfriend.



Blogger M.K. said...

ack - you have my sympathy with the stats class. I took the AP exam in HS and ran with it so I wouldn't need to do the social sciences stat class that they require for psyc majors. Stats is math, but more boring.

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for PC's and no Macs. Teaching? I'm proud of you! : )

8:30 AM  

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