Waiting in an Office
So, I have a teaching portfolio due tonight and (unlike many of my colleagues) mine is done...well, nearly done. I had my class video recorded with a digital video camera (oohhh, ahhh, technology). But the poorly trained helper monkey who attempted to record the event decided to mess up. Here's the issue in Ian-can-understand-what-the-tech-guy-is-saying terms: Digital video records at like 9 lines of code for 60 minutes, but when you set the machine up to record Long Play (90 minutes) it uses half of those lines. So, now when I try to record my digital tape to DVD, it skips like four 8-year-old girls with a jumprope and nothing better to do.
So, the extremely competent tech guy here in the Center for Teaching Learning and Technology (CTLT) has just hooked up my tape to the machines and through the magic of 1's and 0's I'm going to have a DVD of my lecture to put in my teaching portfolio tonight. Now it's just a matter of waiting and watching myself teach, which is a learning experience in itself.
That's the story of the day from here in arctic Bowling Green, Ohio. Tonight is my final Cassara class, and then tomorrow I pick up the final exams for IPC 102, and then I have my last 600 class. Things are winding down and I sure am looking forward to it.
On top of that, my father is coming to watch me teach on Friday. The students are excited and so am I. It'll be good to see the dad, and see how he likes what his son does.
So, the extremely competent tech guy here in the Center for Teaching Learning and Technology (CTLT) has just hooked up my tape to the machines and through the magic of 1's and 0's I'm going to have a DVD of my lecture to put in my teaching portfolio tonight. Now it's just a matter of waiting and watching myself teach, which is a learning experience in itself.
That's the story of the day from here in arctic Bowling Green, Ohio. Tonight is my final Cassara class, and then tomorrow I pick up the final exams for IPC 102, and then I have my last 600 class. Things are winding down and I sure am looking forward to it.
On top of that, my father is coming to watch me teach on Friday. The students are excited and so am I. It'll be good to see the dad, and see how he likes what his son does.
Hi there, ##NAME##, now that's a different blog. That's the fun about blogging - everyone does it differently.Thanks. Rex ##LINK##
Hello, ##NAME##. you've certainly been busy with that blog. Impressive. All the best, Rex, Well, ##NAME##, I enjoyed what you wrote. Blogs are pretty cool, and your's is a good one. Great stuff. Cheers Rex, ##LINK##
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