May 29, 2007

Beyond Memorial Day

Long Weekend=Short Week

It's Tuesday and I'm at work for the first time this week. Thank you federal holidays. That being said, it's going to be one heck of a week. I have a LOT of work in front of me in these next four days.

I, of course, have both my SPSS class with it's daily homework. I have my Free Speech course which has a final topic one-page summary due Thursday. Also, next Tuesday Victor and I present on a book I haven't cracked the cover of, yet (ok, that may be a slight exaggeration). I have a number of meetings, too, with Dr. Dixon, Victor and I end the week with one of the biggest meetings of my career.

I have my preliminary exam oral defense this Friday. It is the first of three such oral defenses on my way to "Dr." After this (if things go well), I get permission to start working on my dissertation proposal/prospectus. Looking ahead, I hope to have draft versions of that done in September or early October. That proposal/prospectus is the second document I will orally defend. Successful defense of that will allow me to start the data collection/research phase of my dissertation (the subject of my third oral defense).

It all started a long time ago...this road that is leading me closer and closer to that PhD. Friday is another milestone. Those of you who pray, I'll take prayers. Those of you who wish well, I'll take well-wishes. Those of you who sacrifice small animals to appease some sort of serpent-god, I like chicken.

-M.D.S. Away!


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